St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Aurora, Indiana

We had a good time as Dearborn County parishioners standing up for Life in Bright on Sunday, September 15. Other Life Chain Events are:
Sunday October 6th will be between 2 pm and 3:30 pm, along U.S. 50 between Walnut and Front Street in Lawrenceburg
October 20th, immediately after the 9:15 Mass at St. Lawrence, along US-50 between Walnut and Front Street.
Signs will be provided, or bring your own. (No political signs please).

Upcoming Pro-Life Events- All Are Welcome
10/2: FATHER HOLLOWELL TALK on voting with an informed conscience Wednesday, October 2, 7 PM at St. Teresa PCC
10/5 & 10/6: BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN BEGINS, bottles passed out after all Masses to support our local pregnancy centers. (PCC L’burg in the southern parishes and both PCC L’burg and PHC Brookville at All Saints).
10/5 & 10/6: Blessing of the Child in the Womb during all Masses
10/6: LIFE CHAIN Sunday, October 6 - Respect Life Sunday from 1pm until 2:30pm along US-50 like we always have.
10/6: LIFE CHAIN Sunday, October 6 - respect life Sunday from 2 to 3 PM in front of the courthouse in Brookville.
10/19 & 10/20: 40 DAYS SIGN-UPS after all Masses
10/20: LIFE CHAIN Sunday, October 20 immediately after the 9:15am Mass at St. Lawrence. Along US-50 from 10:30 am until noon.
10/26-28: 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Dearborn Co. Catholics. praying in front of Planned Parenthood in Cincinnati from 7am - 7pm all three days, Saturday through Monday.
10/26 & 10/27: BABY BOTTLES DUE BACK
10/26 &10/27: PASS OUT PRO-LIFE LITERATURE after all Masses in anticipation of the election.