St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Aurora, Indiana

*Please be aware of limited parking at St. Lawrence for the 8:45am Mass and 12:00 noon Ashes Only Service. Due to school being in session, there is no parking permitted in the school parking lot; please use street only parking.

A novena book has been created and printed In recognition of Saint Teresa Parish's 25th anniversary year. Many of the novenas in the book center around the great Carmelite saints of the Church along with others who have a connection to her, including our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. Novenas that mark holy days of obligation or feasts of the Church year, along with a few additional saints, are also included. There is also journaling space to write your personal prayer intentions through the year.
Trusting in the power of prayer and the intercession of the saints in heaven, let us embrace this year of celebration with intentional prayer and thanksgiving for God’s blessing upon all who gather at any of parishes in Dearborn County and beyond. Copies of the novena book are available at St. Lawrence, St. Mary’s and St. Teresa parishes and the Lourdes Chapel.
You can access the booklet, a list of celebration dates for the year, and the Litany of Carmelite Saints by clicking on the buttons above (St. Teresa was a Carmelite Sister).
What is Carmelite Spirituality? After receiving your St. Teresa’s Novena Prayer Book which contains novenas for the intercession of numerous Carmelite Saints, including our own St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, learn in this short clip from "Pints with Aquinas with Matt Fradd" what makes it special, unique, and embraced by so many saints!

Easter at Greendale Cinema! Open now for more details!

Men! Rediscover Your Vocation ~ Put on the Armor of God.
Knights of Columbus members and their friends and relatives are invited to attend for $10 off the normal price of $48. The code for reduced price is KOFC2025.
Register at
Questions? Contact Duane Meyer
If you cannot afford to attend, please contact Fr Hollowell at HE HAS CASH and will pay for you to attend!
General E6 Men’s Conference Volunteer Sign Up:

Spiritual adoption cards are available in the Lourdes Adoration Chapel. Please take one, name your baby by scanning the QR code on the back, and pray for your preborn baby that is in danger of abortion daily. Your prayers are powerful. Our spiritual adoption program began January 19, and if you have not signed up online, you can still do so from this link.
Safe Haven Sunday: Equipping the Family, Safeguarding Children
Our priests will touch on this in the coming weeks and the weekend of March 8/9, we will offer a handout.
The family home is to be a safe haven. But the inappropriate use of technology in the home deprives it of this role, and is the greatest threat to the sanctity of marriages and families today. Pornography and other online threats are often one click away, and parents can feel overwhelmed with not knowing how to best protect their children in our fast-paced digital world. All Saints and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is taking a bold step to help families by celebrating Safe Haven Sunday. This awareness day will provide access to practical resources that any caring adult can use to protect themselves and our young people from online risks. Please join us with your prayers and presence as we prepare for this unique event.
Safe Haven Sunday takes place during Mass, and directly addresses the harms of pornography and provides resources to support and protect individuals, marriages and families in overcoming pornography, and making a Safe Haven for all. The book Equipped is an excellent resource and is available for free in hardcopy or as an ebook. Parents can also text the word SECURE to 66866 and they will receive a free 7-day video series called the “Safe Digital Family Challenge” with tips for having key conversations with children and monitoring their online safety.
The book "Equipped" is an excellent resource and is available for free in hardcopy or as an e-book. Scan the QR code below to receive your pdf version of the book, "Equipped."

Addiction is a heavy burden, but there is hope and freedom in Christ. Listen to Fr. Meyer’s powerful message on breaking free and finding true healing.
Don’t forget to share this video to inspire and uplift others who might need it!

L.O.C.K. Ministry for St. Lawrence, St. Mary’s, St. Teresa - We Love Our College Kids
We want to make sure our young adults know of our prayers and support as they move away and engage in college life. To do so, we collect information to send them monthly mailings and care packages. If you want your college young adult included, please go to or scan the QR Code below; you can also email

Magnify 90 is “Exodus 90” for women. Visit or contact Kathy Strasser at for more info. Magnify 90 was put together by Kaylene Brown, who spoke at the All Saints “Mary’s Way” dinner in 2023.
St. Lawrence Undercroft